Friday, December 30, 2011

Rickety Bridge

Time to connect the roads running through the north and south portions of the layout.  To do this I modified an Atlas plate girder bridge.

For flavor I made it rickety and run down:
  • First I sliced the train tracks out of the center of the bridge
  • Then I narrowed it by 4 or 5 scale feet
  • Finally, I used a bunch of cross beams at odd angels to hold the two halves together
Once the framework of the bridge was built I installed it on a new abutment on one side and the seawall on the other.  I painted it a dark red/gray/brown blend with some red highlights for rust.

Finally, I added a few wooden planks for cars and trucks to drive across - leaving big gaping holes to see through to the water below

A fun project that gives the Douglas Canal area a lot of character.

Next time:  You Need A Thneed

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