Thursday, January 5, 2012

You Need A Thneed

Back to the Onceler's Thneed factory for some additional construction.  I decided to reduce the footprint of this industry a bit.

Shrinking the factory's footprint will in turn make room for a readimix concrete plant directly behind it on the west side of the layout up the hill from the fire station.

First off I had to raise the foundation to align with the roadbed next to it for boxcar unloading.  This was done using the foundations from Mt. Vernon manufacturing (a/k/a Fireball!)

Part of reducing the lot size involves moving the chemical tank east to connect with the main factory building.  To add visual interest - and make room for the Onceler's in city townhouse on the roof - I flipped the "chemical tank" upside down.  

I then used some walls from the scrap box to surround the tank and make it part of the building.

I'd call the factory about 75% done now.  Left to do:

  • Add loading docks to the train siding and in front for trucks
  • Add a truck lift ramp for the company trucks to dump out truffula tree tops
  • Add a shell building around the ramp
  • Add a small office section to the front of the building
  • Add a car elevator with a parking pad for the Onceler's car
  • Add people, forklifts, etc, to the loading docks
  • Customize a few trucks to park out front
  • Paint and signs
Next time:  Douglas Canal Social Club

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