Saturday, January 21, 2012

Douglas Canal Social Club

When the Douglas Canal Social Club opens it will provide three (possibly four if you count the free service as a business!) new entertainment options for the people of Metallikahmish Bay.

The fourth business (#3 below) offers a path to safe harbor and eternal salvation for those who have run aground on the rocky shoal of sin and ill behavior.
  1. Saucy Sally's Gentlemen's Club
  2. Bull Rides $25 - Moustache Rides Free!
  3. The Metallikahmish Bay Parish of the Church of the Subgenius
  4. Three Pirates Mexican Bar & Grill
First up was to use a piece of an old O Scale coal tower as the entrance roof/base for the three pirate figures.

This was superglued to the face of the building with part of a side truss of an old HO scale bridge as its support bracket.

I then painted the green and orange walls of the building blue.

I then moved on with exterior sign work to showcase each of the businesses that make up the Douglas Canal Social Club.  I also added "neon" signs and other signage to the interior windows, blacking out what wasn't covered by signs with a Sharpie.

Once the signs were done I glued on the roof and added the plank that miscreants are forced to walk if they get out of hand.  In the history of the Douglas Canal Social Club the police have never been called.  Ever.

After a quick photo session I attached the Douglas Canal Social Club to its subfoundation.

The building is now complete except for super detailing.

I'll come back to it later and add people, a rope line to get into Saucy Sally's, railing around the deck and some tables and chairs.

This building will really gel when I get around to adding the "water" beneath the deck.

Next time:  Big Sky Blue & The Bobber

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