Monday, January 30, 2012

Thneed Factory Detailing

Back to work on the Thneed Factory!

In testing out the parking and delivery needs of the factory I found that the small shed on the front had to go to make room for both the trufula tree shredding equipment and parking.  I removed the shed with an Xacto knife.  I then painted the driveway burnt sienna with some boulders along the sides where sidings run down the side of the property

Next I added the floor and the front wall for the shredding equipment bay on the front of the building.  I also added the foundation for the loading dock supports on the side of the building.

I then added the loading dock supports, the dock itself, and the front roof support for the shredding equipment

Next up I added a few more roof supports and the roof for the shredding equipment.  I then relocated the Onceler's condo to the rear left of the top of the factory and added a patio/deck.

I added an infinity pool, reworked the patio and painted the condo and the patio.

Next I painted the loading dock supports and front unloading hopper bumpers yellow and touched up the blue, gray and green paint on the factory.  I then used a yellow/gray for the water tower and dust collector.

Finally, I used dark green at the base of the tank with the condo on top  and dark blue at the top to contrast with the light blue pool.

I'll come back to this later for super detailing.  This will include loading dock workers, the shredding equipment, an additional building on the back with a smokestack that extends above the Onceler's condo, a helipad, vehicles and finally signs and some additional weathering.

For now, as with the Slaughterhouse that also needs superdetailing, I have used Elmer's glue to tack the building in position.  

Next time:  The Pause That Refreshes

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